Spot on and very timely with pending elections in the U.S. and Canada

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Hi Mark, thanks again for the report. Couldn't agree more. IMO political will is the greatest challenge of the climate movement. I wake up everyday wondering "why are so many people completely detached from the harm we are doing to our planetary life support systems?" Regarding solutions, isn't it time to hire a brilliant PR firm to craft a campaign to move political will to this issue? I keep hoping devastating events like Hurricane Helene will shock our consciousness to this issue kind of like when the Cuyahoga River caught fire in '68 but it seems the dark money forces keep distracting or misinforming so many of us that the political will never gains traction. Do you think you could convince some of your influential friends to convince/hire that PR firm to help us on this front? Regards.

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Mark, great to wake up to on the west a coast. While politicos may be slow to act, decentralized governance through DAO voting mechanisms can fuel climate progress by aligning projects with political and corporate goals. Climate Week reminds us that it’s not just about winning votes—it’s about empowering broader, collective action. Let’s not wait for regulation to catch up—let’s build it from the ground up. Maybe we are with ImpactSoul. What were the most intriguing projects u saw and why? Tony

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